I have finished my latest version of my award winning Dive program, version 0.6b. The reason I have not made it version 1.0 is because I still want to put in an integrated help feature and the ability to download the dive data to a Mac or PC. This is a dive planner, it is meant to provide you with some guidance in planning your daily dive routine. Yes, a dive computer would probably give you all the statistics while you're down below, but only the most expensive can plot out your next dives in the series and transfer that data to a desktop computer. Well, Newton is a computer, and once I find out how to get it underwater, it'll make a heck of a slate! But, in the mean time, this should give you all the help you'll need planning your next dive series. Remember, always stick to your dive plan. Features: * Uses YMCA dive tables for Open Water Sport Divers, thus a maximum depth of 130 feet. * As this is a dive planner, will not allow you to plan for decompression required dives. * You provide 4 values for each dive; Repetative Group Designation (RGD) of previous dive if this dive is not the first, Surface Interval Time (SIT) if this dive is not the first, Maximum Depth (MD) of this dive, and Bottom Time (BT) of this dive. All 4 main values, RGD, SIT, MD, and BT can accept input from a popup list or handwritten. Each popup list is incremented by the various levels, and the BT is already reduced by the Residual Nitrogen Time (RNT) based on previous inputs of RGD of previous dive, SIT, and MD. * Keeps track of six sets of dives, named a,b,c,x,y,z, and you can add your own. Each set of dives has 25 dives, numbered 0-24. Using Dive. When you first run Dive it will create a file called Dive.txt which you can remove using a standard soup management program. This file contains all the stored information about your dives, sets a,b,c,x,y, and z with 25 dives, 0-24, each. Once Dive has started it will look something like this: (Pardon the lack of graphics, but I wanted anyone to be able to read this file. The drawing is not to scale or proportion) +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Dive Planner ver0.6b R. Van Alstyne | +----------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------+ +--------+ +--------+ |Dive #0: | | RepGro | | SurInt | | | +--------+ +--------+ | RepGroDes= | +--------+ +--------+ | SurIntTim=0 (0) | | MaxDep | | BotTim | | NewResGroDes= | +--------+ +--------+ | | +-----+ +---+ | MaxDep=0 (0) | | Msg | | = | | | +-----+ +---+ | ResNitTim=0 | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ | BotTim=0 (0) | | Prv | | Nxt | | Cnt | | Jmp | | TotBotTim=0 (0) | +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ +-----+ | | +----+ +----+ +----+ | ResGroDes= | | Ld | | Sv | | Tr | +----------------------+ +----+ +----+ +----+ +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------+ More simply, The screen has four sections: +---------------+ Section A - Version # and Help Screen | A | Activation. (No help this +---------------+ Version) +-------+ +-----+ Section B - Dive Statisics. | | | | Section C - Control and Data Entry. | B | | C | Section D - Dive text area. | | | | +-------+ +-----+ +---------------+ | | | D | | | +---------------+ There are 13 buttons in Section C: RepGro - Repetative Group Designation from previous dive. If this dive is first dive of a repetative series, use blank which is top of pop-up list. SurInt - Surface Interval Time between previous dive and this dive if this dive is atleast the second dive in a repetative dive series. MaxDep - Maximum Depth of this dive. BotTim - Bottom Time of this dive. Msg - Dive text entry. You will be asked a series of questions. Your answers are then arranged in a paragraph, just like magic. First, date of dive. Second,location of dive. Third, type of dive, has popup list with selection of Boat or Shore. If you select Boat you will be asked the name of the boat. Fourth, goal of dive, has popup list with selection of Wreck or Reef. If you select Wreck you will be asked the name of the wreck. Fifth, surface conditions, has a popup list with selection of Good, Fair, or Poor. Sixth, visibility, has a popup list with selection of Good, Fair, or Poor. Seventh, comments. You can include notes about what you saw or did on the dive. = - Show final results of dive. All numbers in parenthesis are maximumns or minimums. Prv - Previous dive of set. Nxt - Next dive of set. Cnt - Continue previous dive. Takes final RGD of previous dive and automatically enters it as inital RGD of current dive. Acts as a short cut. JMP - Jumps forward or backward 10 or 5 dives. Ld - Load a dive set. Sets are named a,b,c,x,y,z, and are on a popup list. Sv - Save a dive set. Sets are named a,b,c,x,y,z, and are on a popup list. Tr - Transfer, not yet fully implemented. Will be interface to other systems, but know puts a fuller text version of dive into text area. If you have any questions about Dive for the Newton, email me at ravajr@aol.com. Have fun and dive safe. :)Richard